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News > Cuba

US Legislators Call For a Change in Policy Towards Cuba

  • Patrick Leahy during the press conference in Cuba. Feb. 21, 2018

    Patrick Leahy during the press conference in Cuba. Feb. 21, 2018 | Photo: Twitter/ @JohanaTablada

Published 8 December 2021

U.S lawmakers Patrick Leahy and Ron Wyden called on Wednesday for the White House to change the hostile policy imposed on Cuba all these years. 

On Wednesday, U.S lawmakers Patrick Leahy and Ron Wyden called for the White House to change the hostile policy imposed on Cuba; Representative Jim McGovern stood in support.


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"As someone who has observed the evolution of relations between the United States and Cuba for almost 50 years, I find the situation between our two countries disconcerting, tragic and frankly exasperating", Leahy stated.

The legislator pointed out that all these years of sanctions and threats did not achieve Washington's expected results. He added that a minority had approved the policy imposed by the Biden administration with opposed interests to good bilateral relations.

Therefore he mentions his concern regarding Cuba's permanence on the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, given the request for a review on this issue, due to the reclassification of Cuba during the Trump administration period (2017-2021).

He also spoke about the hindering of remittances to Cuba and the end of cultural and scientific exchanges.

"Washington's Cuba policy is full of contradictions, hypocrisy, arrogance and missed opportunities," Leahy said.

He suggested Biden focus on U.S. national interests instead of pursuing failed strategies,  which several legislators agreed with.

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