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UN: Russia Rejects Resolution on Ceasefire in Ukraine

  • V. Nebenzia: The vote on draft humanitarian resolution in Ukraine exposed all who place politicizing of the humanitarian file above the UN support for providing humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainians in need.

    V. Nebenzia: The vote on draft humanitarian resolution in Ukraine exposed all who place politicizing of the humanitarian file above the UN support for providing humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainians in need. | Photo: Twitter @RusEmbassyJ

Published 24 March 2022

Russia's UN representative V. Nebenzya reiterated that the West continues to ignore the genocide committed by Kiev over eight years in the Donbass, during which some 14,000 people lost their lives.

Russia rejected on Wednesday at the United Nations (UN) a draft resolution on the cease-fire in Ukraine, where Moscow has been deploying a special military operation for various purposes since February 24.


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In objecting to the draft, the permanent representative of Russia to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, expressed that it obeys the interests of the United States and the West.

He questioned that it is politicized, since it qualifies as an “invasion” Moscow's military operation to protect the population of Donbass from attacks by the Ukrainian armed forces and nationalists, in addition to preventing that country from joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), acquiring nuclear weapons and becoming a threat to Russia.

On the subject, he reiterated that the West continues to overlook the genocide committed by Kiev in the Donbas for eight years, which has claimed the lives of some 14,000 people.

The diplomat described the draft resolution as "a politicized, anti-Russian action in a supposedly humanitarian context".

 In addition, he warned that the document "will complicate the search for a solution in Ukraine, as it will harden positions that are not realistic (of the Kiev government) and do not respond to the needs".

Nebenzya also asked to support the alternative draft resolution circulated a few days ago by South Africa. According to media reports, this document urges "the parties to the immediate cessation of hostilities" as a first step to mitigate the humanitarian situation.

The Russian permanent representative added that his country will present this Wednesday to the Security Council an alternative draft resolution to the one prepared by France and Mexico, first to the Security Council and then to the General Assembly.

The proposal of these two nations goes back to the vote of last March 2 of the General Assembly, when 141 member states asked Russia to put an end to its military operation in Ukraine.

According to media reports, the French, and Mexican document calls for allowing the safe exit of displaced persons and the entry of humanitarian aid, as well as respect for hospitals, health centers, schools, electrical and hydraulic installations, among other infrastructure for civilian use.

Previously, Moscow has reiterated that it appealed to its special military operation after exhausting all diplomatic and peaceful efforts within its reach. 

It has also denounced that Kiev is using the cease-fire to reorganize military forces and nationalists, who are shooting at civilians and preventing their evacuation amid the abandonment of the population by the Ukrainian authorities


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