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News > Nicaragua

TeleSUR is Commander Chavez's Great Achievement: Nicaragua

  • Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (L) & teleSUR President Patricia Villegas (R).

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (L) & teleSUR President Patricia Villegas (R). | Photo: Twitter/ @planwac

Published 23 July 2023

President Ortega and Vice President Murillo expressed their certainty that teleSUR is a victory that deserves to be celebrated with "the loudest of songs."

On Saturday, the Nicaraguan Government congratulated the multiplatform channel teleSUR for the 18th anniversary of its creation and praised its informative work at the service of the peoples of the world.


OPEC's Secretary General in Interview With TeleSUR

"In the world that we have to inhabit and keep changing, it is not easy to reach 18 years of efforts, which only the absolute conviction about our liberation routes make possible," President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo stated.

"With these our truths, which the global media corporations try to silence, teleSUR connects us and we all move forward together, leading the battles and victories of every day," they added in a letter sent to teleSUR president Patricia Villegas.

Nicaraguan leaders described teleSUR as a great victory for Commander Hugo Chavez, which has been consolidated by President Nicolas Maduro, the Bolivarian Revolution, and the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA).

Ortega and Murillo also expressed that the Latin American revolutionary processes are advancing with different models but without "selling out or giving up and building the deserved, indispensable, and unavoidable future."

In Nicaragua and Venezuela, the essential revolutionary transformations are already part of the new world that "we are inhabiting between rhythms and drums."

The leaders of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) also expressed their certainty that teleSUR is a victory that deserves to be celebrated with "the loudest of songs."

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