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Russia: West Instigating Ukraine To Attack Russia

  • Russian FM Spokeswoman said that the West is encouraging Ukraine to attack the country. Apr. 28, 2022.

    Russian FM Spokeswoman said that the West is encouraging Ukraine to attack the country. Apr. 28, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@jilj48

Published 28 April 2022

On Thursday, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson said that with the NATO weaponry supply to Kiev, the West instigates the Ukrainian government to attack its neighboring country.

Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said Thursday, that Western countries are investigating an attack from Ukraine on its neighboring country, as they continue to supply heavy weaponry to Kiev,

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"We have already commented the other day on statements by British Deputy Defense Minister [James] Heappey about okaying Ukraine's strikes on Russian military targets," said Zakharova, "in other words, the West is openly calling on Kiev to attack Russia, even with weapons received from NATO countries."

The Spokeswoman considers that the Ukrainian military is taking Western countries' moves as a guide to action, as they have been shelling Russian borders over the past few weeks, which have resulted in deaths and destruction.

The Russian Spokeswoman said that "further evidence that [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky's regime is not independent in its decisions and is completely dependent on external handlers."

Zakharova said that Ukrainian attacks against Russian territory cannot be permitted, suggesting the Russian government will give a response to Ukrainian criminal activities.

"I would like Kiev and Western capitals to take seriously the statements of our country's Defense Ministry that further Ukrainian provocations to strike Russian targets will lead to a harsh response from Russia," she said.

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