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Russia: Resumption of Middle East Quartet Not in US Interest

  • Russian Permanent envoy to the UN said that the U.S. is not interested in resuming the activities of the Middle East Quartet. Jul. 26, 2022.

    Russian Permanent envoy to the UN said that the U.S. is not interested in resuming the activities of the Middle East Quartet. Jul. 26, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@KCastigada

Published 26 July 2022

On Tuesday, the Russian representative to the UN said that the country is committed to efforts for the re-establishment of direct Palestinian-Israeli negotiations.

Dmitry Polyansky, Russia’s First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, said during Tuesday's UN Security Council meeting that the Russian federation continues making efforts for the resumption of the process on the Middle East settlement; at the time, he highlighted that the U.S. is not interested in restarting the activities of Middle East Quartet of international mediators (Russia, US, UN, and EU).

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The Russian official said that they "are consistently coming out in favor of the restart of direct Palestinian-Israeli negotiations, which should result in the creation of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, taking into account Israelis' national security concerns."

"We are confident that there is a need to boost multilateral efforts, including in the format of the Middle East Quartet of international mediators. With this in view, we reaffirm our commitment to cooperate with Quartet partners to make more efficient the work of this UN Security Council-approved format," highlighted Polyansky.

The Russian envoy commented on how important the role played by international mediators' coordination with regional partners. "Russia's initiative to hold an expanded ministerial meeting of the Middle East Quartet with the key members of the Arab League was prompted exactly by this," said Polyansky.

"Regretfully, this issue remains unresolved due to the lack of interest in the US in the resumption of the Quartet's activity," continued to say the Russian official.

Polyansky said that Moscow would continue its effort regarding the coordination of joint actions to restart the Middle East settlement process until a just solution to the Palestinian problem is reached.

"As practice shows, attempts to monopolize the settlement and to impose economic peace on the Palestinian people instead of fairly honoring their aspirations to create their own independent state have not led, do not lead, and cannot lead to concrete results," he said.

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