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Russia Expands Its 'Unfriendly Nations' List

  • Geographical distribution of countries unfriendly to Russia.

    Geographical distribution of countries unfriendly to Russia. | Photo: Twitter/ @RussiaVsWorld_

Published 22 July 2022

The Kremlim's list establishes restrictions on countries that have sought to limit Russia's international economic and political capabilities.

On Friday, President Vladimir Putin's administration included five states on the list of "hostile countries" in response to unilateral coercive measures imposed by the European Union against Russia.


EU Approves New Round of Sanctions on Russia

"Greece, Denmark, Slovenia, Croatia, and Slovakia have been added to the list of countries that commit unfriendly acts against Russia, in particular against its diplomatic and consular missions abroad," the Russian Presidency said in a statement.

"The list approved by the government is not final and given the continued hostile actions of foreign states against Russian representations abroad, it may be expanded."

In immediate operational terms, the inclusion of those five countries on the list implies that the diplomatic representations of those countries in Russian territory will have limitations to hire new employees.

Currently, the "unfriendly countries" list includes countries such as Albania,  Andorra, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, all the States of the European Union, Iceland, Japan, Liechtenstein, Micronesia, Monaco, Montenegro, New Zealand. , Norway, Korea, San Marino, North Macedonia, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, and Ukraine.

Through this list, the Kremlin places restrictions on countries that have sought to limit Russian international economic and political capabilities, especially since the special military operation in Ukraine began in February. Among those hostile actions, for example, are the seizures of Russian assets abroad.

As established by the Putin administration, unfriendly countries must pay for goods and services in rubles and obtain government approval to develop corporate deals. Citizens of the listed countries are also restricted in obtaining a Russian visa.

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