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News > Peru

Repression Against Demonstrators Continues in Peru

  • Dozens of people enter the Ayacucho airport during protests today, in Ayacucho

    Dozens of people enter the Ayacucho airport during protests today, in Ayacucho | Photo: EFE/ Miguel Gutiérrez

Published 15 December 2022

The Peruvian Ombudsman's Office reported two new deaths and dozens of injured in Ayacucho.

Various sectors in Lima (the capital) began their mobilization in the afternoon, including teachers, peasants, and civil construction workers. Later, the police launched tear gas grenades against the demonstrators, reported a teleSUR correspondent in Peru, Jaime Herrera.

 Peru: 18 Months in Prison Against Former President Castillo

In the region of Ayacucho, more repression was also registered. According to the Ombudsman's Office, two new deaths and dozens of wounded were reported: "during an attempt by demonstrators to take over the airport." The figure previously confirmed by the agency was eight people dead.

The Ombudsman's Office demanded that the security forces "immediately cease using firearms and tear gas bombs launched from helicopters."

The entity indicated that on this day, they registered 53 protests in different localities of the country, among them, are, in addition to Lima and Ayacucho, Loreto, Ica, Trujillo, Piura, Ventanilla, Tumbes, Puno, Tacna, Huaraz, Cusco, Cajamarca, Apurimac and Arequipa.

In Puno, traders from the Unión Dignidad market held a common pot and joined the mobilization, while in Cusco, the communities of the province of Calca blocked the Pisac bridge.

In Apurimac, sectors of the population mobilized while carrying the coffin of one of the deceased demonstrators, identified as Cristian Lizarme, to the Virgen de Cocharcas church in Curibamba.

Likewise, in the town of Loreto, demonstrators marched through the central streets of Iquitos to demand new general elections, the closing of Congress and the resignation of President Dina Boluarte.

In Cajamarca, carriers from the province of Jaen blocked the Jaen - San Ignacio road at two points: the crossing to the district of Bellavista and the access to the Shumba airport.

In Ancash, more than 500 people peacefully demonstrated in the city of Chimbote to demand the closing of Congress and general elections.

The day before, the Government of Boluarte declared a State of Emergency for 30 days throughout the country and ordered the deployment of military and police forces.

On the other hand, on this day, the Superior Court of Justice of Lima admitted a writ of habeas corpus in favor of former president Pedro Castillo and against Congress, filed by lawyer Raul Noblecilla, for his release.

The document refers to the "illegal and unconstitutional declaration of a presidential vacancy." At the same time, sectors of the population continue to gather outside the headquarters of the Police Special Operations Directorate (Diroes), where Castillo is being held to demand his release.

Mobilizations have been reported in several Peruvian regions after the Congress approved the motion of vacancy against Castillo and swore in then Vice President Dina Boluarte as the new president.

This after the former president announced the temporary dissolution of the entity and called for new elections for its renewal, decreed the establishment of a government of exception, a national curfew and the reorganization of the Justice System.

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