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Protests Against Boluarte Continue in Peru

  •  Mobilizations of social organizations and citizens in Peru. Jul. 28, 2023.

    Mobilizations of social organizations and citizens in Peru. Jul. 28, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@jatirado

Published 29 July 2023

Seven police attacks on photojournalists and communicators took place in the coverage of citizen demonstrations in Lima.

The mobilizations of social organizations and citizens in Peru against the government of Dina Boluarte marked the day this Thursday, not exempt from police abuse.

Peruvian Independence Day Marked by Protests Against Boluarte

According to the correspondent of Telesur, Jaime Herrera the repression in the evening hours "is irrational, they fire tear gas grenades without control and where there are not even demonstrations. Dozens of people have already been injured."

Journalist Graciela Tiburcio Loayza reported that contrary to what "the regime of Dina Boluarte assured that they were not using pellets," several journalists were wounded. She also said that the police are forcing the citizens to retreat to the Plaza San Martín, since "they are still throwing tear gas bombs and one of them has fallen near an ambulance."

According to reports, seven police attacks on photojournalists and communicators took place in the coverage of citizen demonstrations in Lima until 14H30.  

The tweet reads, "Juan Zapata, photojournalist of our newspaper, was wounded in the leg after receiving a pellet shot by the police during the repression at the intersection of Abancay and Nicolás de Piérola avenues in Lima."

For the third consecutive day, citizens of Puno demanded the resignation of Dina Boluarte and the departure of Congress by blocking the international bridge of Ilave.

Thousands of Aymara people arrived in the Peruvian city to demand the resignation of Dina Boluarte. They said that they will continue on indefinite strike if the president does not resign. 

In the capital Lima, Quechua women arrived one block away from the Congress meanwhile in Cusco, a mobilization is currently taking place in the streets of the city to demand justice for the Cusqueños Rosalino Flores and Remo Candia, who were murdered during the police repression of the protests last January.

The National Central Union of Peasant and Urban Patrols of Peru (Cunarc) is present at the day of mobilization.


Peru Protests
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