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News > Peru

Peru: Mobilizations Continue, So-Called Takeover of Lima

  • Manifestations in Peru. Jul. 21 2023.

    Manifestations in Peru. Jul. 21 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@teleSURtv

Published 21 July 2023

"...other settlers are keeping the bridge blocked for the second day..."

On Thursday, Peruvian social organizations, movements and demonstrators continue with the mobilization in Lima to demand the resignation of the current president Dina Boluarte and the closing of the Congress.

Third Takeover of Lima in Peru: Blockades and Confrontations

The Peruvian Ombudsman's Office said that they are deployed in different points of the city of Lima and also in the Central 105 of the Peruvian Police in order to monitor the development of the current demonstrations and guarantee the right to peaceful protest of the citizens.

"The people united will never be defeated", "Dina murderer, narco criminal", "The people repudiate the usurper Dina", are some of the slogans raised by the demonstrators, who are heading to the Palace of Justice.

The mobilization took another direction. Thousands march towards the Palace of Justice

Likewise, other settlers are keeping the bridge blocked for the second day in protest against the government.

The National Unitary Coordination of Struggle of Peru, which groups diverse social organizations at national level, announced a new demonstration for Saturday, July 22.

Puno delegation requests resignation of Dina Boluarte. At this moment they are marching around Plaza San Martín surrounded by a police cordon.

Meanwhile, the National Coordinator of Human Rights of Peru (CNDDHH) from its Twitter account pointed out that last night at the door of the Alfonso Ugarte Police Station, located in downtown Lima, undercover police harassed journalists and lawyers of the human rights organization, who went to the police station to denounce detentions.

Similarly, the Women's sector of the New Peru Yesterday Movement recalled yesterday's mobilization. "Yesterday, we took to the streets to protest against the dictatorship of Dina Boluarte and her criminal coalition, against the Congress and for the memory of our murdered brothers and sisters".


Dina Boluarte
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