The results of the poll were presented this Monday by the President of the pollster, Oscar Schémel, during an intervention in the official Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) channel; he concluded that 3 out of 4 have an unfavorable opinion of most of the leaders of the Venezuelan right-wing.
Both Guaidó and López, as well as Borges, are participants in the theft and illegal confiscation of several Venezuelan assets abroad, such as the subsidiary of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) Citgo, in the United States, and Monómeros in Colombia, with the consent of the governments of both countries, as well as the blocking of resources in international banks.
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Furthermore, Schémel said that 79% of the population rejects the former Secretary-General of Acción Democrática (AD), Ramos Allup, one of the leading promoters of the unconstitutional measures to try to depose the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, from the previous (2016-2021) National Assembly (AN).
The leader of Primero Justicia (PJ), Henrique Capriles, was also found to be rejected by 77% of Venezuelans; Henri Falcón, by 66%, and Lorenzo Mendoza by 38 %. The latter has a low incidence due to his economic influence, yet at the same time, he lacks a solid political base and electoral sympathy, Schémel indicated.
"Hinterlaces: 83 % of Venezuelans reject Juan Guaidó and 80 % reject Leopoldo López."
Likewise, 74% believe that the decision of some oppositions not to participate in the regional and municipal elections of November 21 is "incorrect." "We are talking about 3 out of 4 Venezuelans. The opposition only summons 11 or 13 % of the population," he emphasized.
The survey also shows that 52% will definitely vote and 19% will probably vote. Only 12% say they definitely will not vote; 15 % likely will not, while 2% do not know or did not answer.
On the other hand, 84% of those who declare themselves Chavistas will vote and, in general terms, there is a deep-rooted culture of electoral participation among Venezuelans, he said.