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News > Argentina

Police Brutality Leaves 170 Argentines Injured in Jujuy

  • Indigenous woman lies on the ground after police assault, Jujuy, Argentina, June 20, 2023.

    Indigenous woman lies on the ground after police assault, Jujuy, Argentina, June 20, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @bigbangnw

Published 21 June 2023

Right-wing Governor Morales' reforms facilitate eviction from land, which affects the Indigenous communities that inhabit mining and lithium exploration areas.

On Tuesday, hundreds of residents of Jujuy province took to the streets to oppose reforms to the regional constitution. They were brutally attacked by the police, who arbitrarily arrested 68 citizens and left over 170 people injured.


Argentine Police Attacked Protesters in Jujuy

For a week, the citizens of Jujuy have been protesting against Governor Gerardo Morales and his attempt to limit the territorial rights of Indigenous communities.

Through the reform of the Jujuy constitution, this far-right politician seeks to gain prominence as a presidential candidate for "Together for Change," a coalition of conservative parties.

"Enough with repressing the people of Jujuy who are demanding their rights. Politicians approved a constitutional reform behind the people's back and stained with blood. Just as Morales governs Jujuy, Together for Change aims to govern the country!," said Hugo Yasky, the secretary of the Argentine Workers' Central (CTA).

On Tuesday, the Jujuy Police fired rubber bullets and tear gas at the citizens, who responded with stones, escalating tensions in the streets of the provincial capital.

The tweet reads, "In San Salvador de Jujuy, Argentina, the fight against Governor Morales continues. His reform restricts the right to protest and facilitates eviction from land, which affects the Indigenous communities that inhabit mining and lithium exploration areas."

In Buenos Aires, Cordoba, and other cities, workers and students called for mobilizations on Wednesday to reject the violation of civil rights in Jujuy. Argentine President Alberto Fernandez responded to Morales, holding him responsible for what is happening in Jujuy.

"You are the sole responsible for bringing our beloved province of Jujuy to this extreme situation by trying to impose a constitutional reform that does not respect the National Constitution," Fernandez told Morales.

Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernandez-Kirchner also expressed harsh criticism against the far-right candidate, publicly recalling his political career.

"Morales, take responsibility and put an end to the repressive madness that your own actions have unleashed. What is happening in Jujuy is entirely your responsibility, and you know it," she said.

"It seems that savage repression is in your DNA. You were a high-ranking official in the administration that declared a state of siege in 2001, when 38 Argentines were killed. Please, Morales, stop lying."

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