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News > Latin America

Lifting of Sanctions Against Venezuela Is Negotiation Priority

  • Participants in the dialogues show the agreements reached, Mexico City, Mexico, Aug. 2021.

    Participants in the dialogues show the agreements reached, Mexico City, Mexico, Aug. 2021. | Photo: Twitter/ @XHespanol

Published 19 August 2021

The dialogues provide an opportunity for the U.S.-backed opposition "to understand that the time for sabotage, coup, and interventionism is up," President Maduro said.

On Wednesday, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro affirmed that the priority in the dialogues between his government and the opposition is the lifting of the US sanctions against his country.


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During the dialogue process, the plenipotentiary envoy of the Venezuelan government Jorge Rodriguez will permanently position that the lifting of sanctions and the recovery of the Venezuelan economy are unavoidable issues.

Last week, under the auspices of Norway and Mexico, the Bolivarian government and the Venezuelan opposition held a first round of talks in Mexico City and agreed to meet again on September 3.

During a meeting of the Higher Council of Economy, Maduro reiterated that the Venezuelan economic reactivation presupposes precisely the elimination of all forms of economic siege against his country, among which is the illegal confiscation of assets of the Venezuelan state.

"They must return all assets, bank accounts, and dollars belonging to the Venezuelan people," he said and emphasized that the dialogues provide an "opportunity for the extremist opposition, which is backed by the United States and some European countries, to understand that the time for sabotage, coup, and interventionism is up. "

As a result of the first round of negotiations held in Mexico, the Venezuelan government and the political opposition signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). On Tuesday, the Venezuelan National Assembly unanimously approved this document and made it a binding norm.

“The opposition recognizes that there is one legitimate government, which is chaired by Nicolas Maduro. And we recognize that there is an opposition that wants dialogue and understanding. Everything is in place and the world recognizes it,” said Maduro, referring to one point agreed upon in the MoU.

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