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Iran Waits for US Practical Steps In Removal Of Sanctions

  • Image of the JCPOA negotiating room in Vienna, Austria, 2022.

    Image of the JCPOA negotiating room in Vienna, Austria, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/ @EnglishFars

Published 7 February 2022

Iran insists on removal of all the U.S. sanctions, a mechanism for verification of the embargo removals and guarantees from Washington that it will remain committed to its undertakings.

On Monday, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said that his country is waiting for the United States to take "practical" steps in line with the removal of anti-Iran sanctions and the restoration of 2015 nuclear deal.


Iran and Group 4+1 to Return to Vienna Talks After One Week

Khatibzadeh announced at his weekly press briefing the return of Iranian nuclear negotiating delegates to Vienna on Tuesday, who were in Tehran for necessary consultations.

"All delegations are expected to return to Vienna tomorrow," Khatibzadeh said, adding that "it is natural that Iran expects necessary decisions to be made in Washington."

"The issue of lifting sanctions and the economic dimension of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) are key issues, and Iran's line (of negotiations) is in the field of lifting sanctions," he said and asked the U.S. delegation to return to Vienna "with clear agenda" in the field of lifting the sanctions.

"What is heard about positive talks and expectations should be put into action... Iran is seeking a good and credible agreement," he said, stressing that the U.S. should pay the price for the restoration of the JCPOA and violation of the UN Security Council resolution 2231.

In the meantime, Khatibzadeh urged the European members of the JCPOA for a response to "the inaction and inconstancy" of the United States in regard to its commitments. The Vienna talks, which were basically initiated about 10 months ago to restore the JCPOA after the withdrawal of former U.S. president Donald Trump in 2018, have now reached a crucial stretch requiring political decisions of the parties involved.

Iran insists on removal of all the U.S. sanctions, a mechanism for verification of the embargo removals and guarantees from Washington that it will remain committed to its undertakings in case a deal is reached.

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