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News > Cuba

France Rejects US Blockade of Cuba and Its Extraterritoriality

  • Member of Parliament for the Communist Party in northern France, Michelle Greaume.

    Member of Parliament for the Communist Party in northern France, Michelle Greaume. | Photo: Twitter/@PLprensalatina

Published 12 August 2020

Paris insisted on the illegal nature of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act activated by U.S. President Donald Trump in May 2019.

The French Senator, Michelle Greaume, disclosed on Wednesday the position ratified by her government about the need for the United States government to end its blockade against Cuba and condemned the extraterritorial siege of that penalty structure.


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According to the Member of Parliament for the Communist Party in northern France, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs set just a few days ago its rejection to the blockade. That was in response to Greaume's written June 11 question about the consequences of Washington's hostility towards the Caribbean island. Greaume described that harassment as '' major player in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic."

The official reaction, issued on August 6, reflected that France and the European Union have repeatedly pointed out the need to end the U.S. blockade. On several occasions, Paris has condemned the extraterritorial laws that attack Cuba, particularly the activation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act.

Paris insisted on the illegal nature of that chapter activated by President Donald Trump in May 2019 and the continuity of its efforts along with the European partners to counteract it with the European Union's Council Regulation No. 2271/96.

France is determined to use the set of instruments at its disposal to strengthen the Regulation above, to protect the economic activities and legitimate investments of its citizens and companies in Cuba, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned in the document issued on August six.

Also, the text acknowledged Cuba's experience in managing epidemics and the presence since June in the overseas territory of Martinique of 15 Cuban health professionals, ratifying the importance of French-Cuban cooperation in the sector.

Senator Greaume warned her country's government about the consequences of the U.S. blockade and highlighted in her written question the island's contribution in the battle against the Covid-19. The parliamentarian also underscored Cuba's assistance during the last six decades to other peoples hit by crises and catastrophes, despite the aggressiveness of the U.S.

Since 1992, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted Cuba's resolutions requesting the lifting of the U.S. siege against the Caribbean island, as evidence of a growing global rejection towards the blockade.

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