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News > Russia

Diplomats Work to Increase the BRICS International Role

  • Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (C) and other diplomats from BRICS countries.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (C) and other diplomats from BRICS countries. | Photo: TV BRICS

Published 11 April 2023

The Russian Foreign Minister briefed his counterparts on the main points of the new Foreign Policy Concept approved by President Vladimir Putin on March 31.

On Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met with the heads of the diplomatic missions of the BRICS countries.


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The diplomats present at the meeting held a fruitful conversation, expressing their positions on such fundamental issues as the growing and strengthening strategic partnership of the bloc's countries, including the specifics resulting from South Africa's chairmanship of the BRICS.

The Heads of the BRICS diplomatic missions have agreed that the role of the association on the world stage is increasing and the participating countries should prepare for the fact that there will be an intensified work to build and deepen cooperation and coordination within the major global multilateral associations, which include the BRICS countries.

The participants assured their partners that their countries continue to advocate for a multipolar world order, respect for international law and sovereign choice of their own path to development.

It was noted with satisfaction that many countries expressed an active interest in cooperating with and joining BRICS, considering the alliance a consistent promoter of the policy of multilateralism.

The Russian Foreign Minister briefed his counterparts on the main points of the new Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation approved by President Vladimir Putin on March 31, and emphasised the special role of BRICS in preserving a multipolar world and expanding ties between countries.

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