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News > Venezuela

Venezuela Raises Military Deployment On Border With Colombia

  • Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) soldiers in Apure, Venezuela.

    Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) soldiers in Apure, Venezuela. | Photo: Twitter/ @Mision_Verdad

Published 6 April 2021

Eight Bolivarian militaries have been killed and 34 soldiers have been wounded in the ongoing border conflict.

Venezuela's Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino on Monday informed that troops of the Bolivian National Armed Forces (FANB) were deployed in three municipalities of the Apure state to fight Colombian irregular armed groups.


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"By order of President Nicolas Maduro, we expanded the Special Integral Defense Operational Zone (ZODI) in the municipalities of Paez, Muñoz, and Romulo Gallegos," Padrino explained and reported that eight Venezuelan soldiers have been killed in the ongoing conflict.

In those municipalities, authorities will strengthen migratory controls and restrict land, air, and river transit. The FANB could also apply special measures, such as inspecting homes and vacating public spaces.

"A greater military deployment will halt the warfare promoted by Colombian paramilitary groups with the complicity of President Ivan Duque and Washington," Padrino explained.

Since March 21, the FANB has been fighting to eradicate criminal gangs which seek to settle in Venezuela to boost a civil war.

In 15 days of military actions, 34 Venezuelan soldiers have been wounded and nine members of Colombian irregular groups have been killed.

Currently, 33 people are being prosecuted by the justice system due to their alleged links with these criminal organizations.

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