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Cuban President Addresses Domestic Issues at National Assembly

  • Cuban President Diaz-Canel describes the National Assembly of People's Power session as very productive.

    Cuban President Diaz-Canel describes the National Assembly of People's Power session as very productive. | Photo: Twitter @EmbaCubaUS

Published 23 July 2022

The Cuban President highlighted during his speech at the ordinary session of the National Assembly the inclusive nature of the newly-approved Family Code, and referred to a host of domestic issues facing the island nation.

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel highlighted on Friday the inclusive nature and respect for diversity of the proposal of the new Family Code, whose referendum will be held on September 25.


Cuban Lawmakers Analyze the Family Code's Latest Version    

During the ninth ordinary session of the National Assembly, the president said that the new Code is the realization of Marti's maxim, "with all and for the good of all", and that it guarantees respect for the family diversity present in Cuban society.

The head of state pointed out that it is a legislation of love and peace, while recognizing the legal proposal as a "Code of affection", which seeks respect in the recognition of all people.

The President affirmed that this Code protects "human dignity and the recognition of families as a union of people linked by affective, sentimental ties so that they support each other".

On the other hand, he insisted that the ode recognizes the elderly as subjects of rights and duties and opens the doors to people with disabilities to decide on the reins of their lives. 

He also recognized that this regulation is a bet to settle the debts of the past, to train in the future, and makes it possible "to educate in the culture of respect and the reciprocal nature of care".

Hostile U.S. policies 
Referring to the international scenario, he said:  "International relations are going through a dangerous scenario, the cost of which is already being suffered by millions of people", and emphasized that "the U.S. offensive aimed at subjugating states through the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) inevitably leads to a climate of tension and conflict whose consequences are unpredictable".  

The President also explained that coercive measures imposed on sovereign states in order to extort concessions from them do not bring political success, and that is why the Cuban Revolution is admired in the world.

President Diaz Canel said that the United States has tried to force a popular uprising in Cuba, has promoted non-conventional warfare and has deployed a wide media propaganda. 

Economic challenges 

During his speech to the National Assembly members, the Cuban president referred to a host of new measures adopted to tackle the current challenges facing the country, among  them, the allowance of non-commercial imports, the need to update and order the foreign currency exchange market, the sustainability of social programs, the need to pay debts and reduce the budget deficit.

The President stressed the importance of greater efficiency and control of public spending, timely information, planning, and solidarity savings. He also spoke about the relevance of supporting the transformation of neighborhoods, youth policies, working on cultural decolonization and popular control.

National energy situation 
President Díaz-Canel reiterated his commitment to work to solve the energy situation in the country, affirming that the recovery is medium and long term, even as he stressed that work is being done daily according to the strategy outlined. 

Furthermore, he explained that the whole strategy that has been set up does not give solutions instantaneously, but they are working with specialists and qualified personnel for such tasks.

"There is a strategy in place and a group of negotiations are being carried out. In the remainder of the year there are resources to make capital repairs. There are other negotiations that are well underway in relation to renewable energy sources. But all this takes time," he said.

During his speech, he asked for the population's understanding and affirmed that "nobody here orders blackouts to bother anyone, we are working hard with few resources and all the talent of our workers".

Díaz-Canel called for the need to maintain unity at this critical time. "We have to stay united to face the situation," he said.  He also pointed out that there are some people who, in order to express their discomfort which is legitimate, resort to protests banging pots, shouting expressions against the leaders, while some take the opportunity to chant slogans against the Revolution.

"If we save, we demand less, and if we demand less we will have more generating capacity; this is the most solidary, altruistic and revolutionary thing we can do now", he stated.

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