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News > Cuba

Cuba: Family Code Watch for the Rights of Children

  • The Cuban project on new Family code has been submitted to popular consultation. Jun. 6, 2022.

    The Cuban project on new Family code has been submitted to popular consultation. Jun. 6, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@EmbaCubaMOZ

Published 6 June 2022

The new Cuban Family Code wants to guarantee the rights of boys and girls on the Island.

According to the new Family Code to be approved, children and adolescents will be seen as subjects of rights and not as objects of protection. Guarantees on their rights were among the most treated topics during the popular consultation of this proposal, where over 6 million Cubans participated.

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Cuban Government's priority is evidenced by this proposal, of which more than 47 percent has been modified. It seeks to place at the top of priorities the healthy development of minors and the care of their physical and psychological integrity regarding family and social environments.

One of the most popular questions among the population is: Will we lose authority over our children? The Government has answered this, making clear that the scope of the rights of children and adolescents in the family environment will not invalidate the duties and rights of the parents.

The scenario of legal issues regarding children and teenagers are usually complex and very sensitive; that is why Yamile González Cabrales, president of the Civil, Administrative and Labor Chamber of the People's Provincial Court in the province of Granma explained that the legal framework should be updated in according to their duties and rights.

Cuba is always taking giant steps for the little ones; they are given access to health and education. In the new Family Code, they are specially protected. We work for them because they are, as Martí said, they are the ones who know how to love.

This Family Code proposal represents a starting point for the expansion of effective and educational horizons and communication between adults and minors.

Justice Minister Oscar Silvera said that a group of issues generated many opinions but were not changed because doing so would violate principles of the Cuban constitutional text such as equality, non-discrimination, and respect for human dignity.

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