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News > Colombia

Colombia's Indigenous People Gather in Cauca to Claim Their Safety

  • Indigenous People gather in Cauca Valley, Colombia.

    Indigenous People gather in Cauca Valley, Colombia. | Photo: Twitter/ @JhonHelber

Published 11 October 2020

The thousands of  Indigenous people hope to arrive next Monday, October 12, in the city of Cali to hold a meeting with President Ivan Duque. 

Colombia's Indigenous people are gathering in the municipality of Caldono, Cauca Department to demand protection and security for their social leaders.


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The thousands of  Indigenous people hope to arrive next Monday, October 12, in the city of Cali to hold a meeting with President Ivan Duque. 

They expect to discuss issues such as respect for their territory, guarantees for their leaders, peace in the communities, mining and its impact on their communities, siege by paramilitary groups, and the implementation of the Peace Accords.

Upon arrival in the city of Cali, they will gather in the People's Coliseum. Although it was planned that the Indigenous people concentrate at the Universidad del Valle, the directives did not allow it.

In case President Duque does not attend the Indigenous people in Cali, they will mobilize to the capital Bogota so they can be heard.

The group has food and medical supplies in case of emergency, as well as biosecurity elements such as masks, alcohol, and gloves.

In an Assembly held on October 6 in Cauca, Indigenous organizations sent a letter to the head of state requesting a meeting to analyze the violence situation in Colombia.

"The economic and social policy of Duque's government affects our communities. Our lives and survival as peoples are in danger due to the mining and energy policy," the organizations assured in the letter.


Ivan Duque
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