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News > Colombia

Colombia: Indigenous Leader Murdered in Chocó

  • Sarcelino Lana, a 29-year-old indigenous leader, was assassinated. March. 30, 2022.

    Sarcelino Lana, a 29-year-old indigenous leader, was assassinated. March. 30, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@LaFranjaCol

Published 30 March 2022

Colombian indigenous organizations denounced on Tuesday the murder of Sarcelino Lana, who was a social and indigenous leader in a rural area of the department of Chocó.

Given such a regrettable event, the Mesa Indígena del Chocó demanded that the Colombian Attorney General's Office conduct the proper investigations to clarify this murder.

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The Mesa Indígena del Chocó denounced that Sarcelino Lana, who was currently the indigenous governor of the Tamandó reservation, located in the municipality of Medio Atrato, had been kidnapped on March 25 by members of the Clan del Golfo.

According to a statement from the indigenous organization, Lana's body was found lifeless on Tuesday on the banks of the Atrato River.

The Ombudsman's Office had issued an alert for the municipality of Medio Atrato due to the presence of irregular armed groups that threatened the more than 9000 inhabitants of the municipality.

The Gulf Clan assassinated the indigenous leader SARCELINO LANA, governor of the Tamandó reservation, municipality of Medio Atrato - Beté, in Chocó. He was 29 years old, he was kidnapped five days ago and his body was thrown into the Atrato river. At the moment, there is confinement in Bojayá, Medio.

Forty-eight social leaders have been killed in Colombia so far this year. The murder of indigenous governor Sarcelino Lana is the third in the last two days after two leaders were killed in a military operation in the Putumayo department on March 28.

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