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News > Chile

Chilean Government Delivers Assistance to Fire Victims

  • The emergency houses, which are not

    The emergency houses, which are not "definitive housing," are 24 square meters divided into two rooms. Feb. 14, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/@INoticias_CL

Published 14 February 2023

The first emergency housing for victims of the forest fires in Ninhue, Ñuble Region, was delivered today.

The Chilean government has begun to provide aid to those affected by the forest fires in the central-southern part of the country. This includes a bonus of about 1 890 dollars and the delivery of temporary houses.

300+ Fires Remain Active in Chile, With 425,000 Hectares Burned

The "recovery bonus" of "free disposal" will be delivered via direct transfer or through BancoEstado to 342 households in Ñuble, 287 in La Araucanía and 1 113 in BíoBío, according to the Undersecretary of Social Services, Francisca Perales.

Within the framework of the government's support measures for families affected by the fires, the delivery of emergency housing also stands out. The Minister of the Interior, Carolina Tohá, led today the delivery of the first emergency housing for victims of the forest fires in Ninhue, Ñuble region.

The houses have 24 square meters divided into two rooms and are composed of isothermal structural panels, with insulation in ceilings, walls and floor. According to the Minister of the Interior, "it is not a definitive housing, but a housing to pass this moment." In a few days, the reconstruction of the definitive housing will begin, said Tohá. 

We are moving forward with the Recovery Plan! We delivered the first emergency transitional housing to meet one of the many needs of households affected by the fires. We continue to work for the dignity of people in this reconstruction process.

According to the National Service for the Prevention and Attention of Disasters (SENAPRED) in its latest report, 149 fires are under control, 60 are being fought and 432 541 hectares have been lost. 
The forest fires have caused the death of 24 people, 2 911 have been taken to health centers for injuries, 6 855 people have been affected, 1 513 houses have been destroyed, informed the sub-director of Senapred, Mauricio Tapia.  

A state of constitutional exception of catastrophe has been decreed in Ñuble, Biobío and La Araucanía, as well as a curfew in 28 communes in the context of the forest fires affecting the southern zone.

Carabineros General Alex Chaván said today at a press conference that a total of 31 people were arrested for their alleged participation in starting the fires. The Public Prosecutor's Office will determine "what has been their direct participation in the voluntary or negligent generation of the forest fires."

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