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Chile is Ready For a Second Plebiscite This Sunday 17th

  • More than 15 million Chileans are on the electoral roll.

    More than 15 million Chileans are on the electoral roll. | Photo: EFE

Published 16 December 2023

Poll stations on the day of the plebiscite will work between 8:00 and 18:00

On Sunday, December 17, 15.4 million Chileans will vote FOR or Against a proposal for a new Fundamental Charter, after more than four years of constituent process, the electoral authorities said that everything is ready for the process.

This is the second time that in a little more than a year the Chileans come to the polls after October 2022, a plebiscite was held on the Magna Carta proposal prepared by the Constitutional Convention, at which time it won the "Rejection" option.


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The participitaion on the process is obligatory, something that the Chilean electoral Service (SERVEL) have has reminded voters on repeated occasions. Who is absent from the process may be fined between 31,000 and 190,000 Chilean pesos (35 or 218 USD) by the local police.

Also this Saturday the Dry Law it was settled in all the National territory and will be extended until 20:00 local time (two hours after the election closure).

In addition, they will close commercial establishments that are not served by their owners, since election days are declared holidays for workers in this sector. Those who work providing essential services and have no rest will receive a two-hour permit to vote.

Voting tables on the day of the plebiscite will work between 8:00 and 18:00, but if at 18:00 there are still people waiting in line to vote at their respective table, they will be able to do so, since the tables will not be closed if there are voters waiting to vote.

On Thursday began the ban of the period designed to deploy electoral propaganda regarding the constitutional proposal and all types of electoral propaganda for the constitutional plebiscite and the affiliated channels will stop broadcaster it.

Voters only need their identity card to vote. This document must be in force, although cards will be accepted that have expired after January 1, 2020. Those voters who present some type of disability, will be able to access the assisted voting option.

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