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News > Cuba

CELAC Nations Should Become A United Family: Cuban President

  • Cuban President Miguezl Diaz-Canel (L) and Argentine Foreign Affairs Vice Minister Pablo Tettamanti (R), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jan. 23, 2023.

    Cuban President Miguezl Diaz-Canel (L) and Argentine Foreign Affairs Vice Minister Pablo Tettamanti (R), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jan. 23, 2023. | Photo: Twitter/ @ComarkP

Published 23 January 2023

Miguel Diaz-Canel insisted that this integration mechanism should promote "unity within diversity."

On Sunday, Cuba’s President Miguel Diaz-Canel arrived in Argentina to participate in the 7th Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).


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"We are already in Argentina, a nation to which we are bound by close ties of friendship, solidarity, and cooperation that we hope to strengthen. I keep pleasant memories of my first visit to the Che's homeland and unforgettable Argentine affection signs towards Fidel Castro and my country," Diaz-Canel said.

A few hours earlier, while confirming his participation in the summit, the Cuban leader insisted that CELAC should promote unity within diversity and allow the countries that integrate it to become a united family. 

Argentine Vice Foreign Minister Pablo Tettamant received Diaz-Canel at the Ezeiza airport. Before participating in the Summit on Tuesday, the Cuban President will exchange with Argentine authorities, including 60 national entrepreneurs and Development Secretary Jorge Neme.

On Sunday, Brazil’s President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva also arrived in Argentina to participate in the CELAC summit. Argentine Foreign Affairs Minister Santiago Cafiero received him at the Jorge Newbery airport military station.

On Monday, Lula da Silva paid tribute to Libertador General San Martin in Buenos Aires. In the coming hours, he will hold a bilateral meeting with his Argentine counterpart Alberto Fernandez to advance in the creation of a South American currency.

"Brazil returns to the regional arena and will work to strengthen the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR)," Lula da Silva stated, lamenting that President Jair Bolsonaro’s administration (2019-2022) removed his country from this integration mechanism.

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