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News > Peru

Boluarte Says She Will Continue To Govern Pending Elections

  • Military and police guard the streets, today, in the center of Lima (Peru)

    Military and police guard the streets, today, in the center of Lima (Peru) | Photo: EFE/ Paolo Aguilar

Published 8 February 2023

According to the legislative regulations, February 10 is the deadline for the Peruvian Congress to call elections in 2023.

The President of Peru, Dina Boluarte, said that as long as the Congress does not agree to early elections, she will continue to govern to "solve the problems that we are called upon to solve as a Government."

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Amidst a severe social and political crisis in Peru since last December 7 following the removal of former president Pedro Castillo (2021-2022), the Congress has refused to bring forward the general elections to 2023, one of the protests' main demands.  

The current legislature is scheduled to conclude on Friday, February 10. If the measure is not accepted before that date, the bill must be shelved, as Rule 78 of the Rules of Procedure states that "the same or another proposal dealing with the same subject may not be introduced until the next annual session."

Boluarte regretted the refusal of the Legislative Constitution Committee to debate in the plenary the Executive's bill proposing early elections for the second week of October and a change of government in December 2023.


With 11 votes in favor, ten against, and one abstention, the legislative committee rejected the text on February 3, as it needed at least 14 favorable votes. 

"We as a Government have to govern," said the President-designate, noting that her administration will dedicate itself to "solving the problems that we are called upon to solve as a Government."
Boluarte urged Congress and the Constitution Commission to resolve the issue of early elections. "The reflection is in Congress, especially in the Constitution Commission."

Protests throughout the country, in which 69 people have been reported dead, demand Boluarte's resignation, the dissolution of Congress, the convening of a Constituent Assembly, and Castillo's release.


Peru Protests
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