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News > Bolivia

Bolivia Resumes Participation in ALBA, CELAC, and UNASUR

  • President Luis Arce (right) and Vice President David Choquehuanca (left) participate in a recognition ceremony for music artists as a preview of the World Music Day or the Day of the Musician in the Casa Grande del Pueblo of La Paz.

    President Luis Arce (right) and Vice President David Choquehuanca (left) participate in a recognition ceremony for music artists as a preview of the World Music Day or the Day of the Musician in the Casa Grande del Pueblo of La Paz. | Photo: EFE

Published 20 November 2020

Bolivia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued an official communiqué expressing the nation's decision to resume its participation in three of the most important regional organizations in Latin America striving for regional integration. 


Below we reproduce an English version of the official communiqué:

Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Bolivia resumes participation in ALBA, CELAC, and UNASUR

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs communicates that the Government of Bolivia, in its firm conviction for integration, resumes its full participation as a member country of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America - People's Trade Treaty (ALBA - TCP), the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR).


Bolivian De Facto Gov't has No Authority to Leave CELAC: Evo

The decision taken by the transitional government to suspend Bolivia's participation in the aforementioned integration spaces responded to purely political interests, which have little to do with the vocation for the integration of the Bolivian people. The constitutive instruments of these regional and sub-regional integration processes were approved with the rank of law, as established by the Political Constitution of the State, therefore, the rights and obligations of Bolivia derived from these instruments remained unaltered during the last years.

Bolivia's participation in the integration processes is based on the provisions of Article 265 of the Political Constitution of the State, which states that "The State shall promote, on the principles of a fair and equitable relationship and with recognition of the asymmetries, the relations of social, political, cultural and economic integration with the other states, nations, and peoples of the world and, in particular, shall promote Latin American integration".

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reaffirms its commitment to Latin American integration as the only way to address the health, economic, and environmental crisis currently facing our region.

La Paz, November 20, 2020.

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