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News > Bolivia

Bolivia Considers Restoring Diplomatic Relations With Chile

  • Chile and Bolivia broke diplomatic relations in 1978 after failure of failure of territorial negotiations. March. 15, 2022.

    Chile and Bolivia broke diplomatic relations in 1978 after failure of failure of territorial negotiations. March. 15, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@rtp_bolivia

Published 15 March 2022

Bolivia's government announced on Tuesday that the possibility of reestablishing diplomatic relations with Chile is being examined after the new position assumed by President Gabriel Boric.

Chile and Bolivia broke diplomatic relations in 1978 following the failure of territorial negotiations regarding the exit to the sea of the plurinational state. Since then, diplomatic ties have been limited to consular matters only. 

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Bolivian Foreign Minister Rogelio Mayt said: "In the first place, we value President Boric's criteria in relation to strengthening our bilateral relationship." "We believe that this bilateral relationship should be unconditional, seeking creative and constructive solutions on sensitive issues of interest to both countries," he added.

However, the diplomat of the plurinational state pointed out that the issue of the maritime claim cannot be surrendered. In this sense, Mayta expressed that: "An important issue for us as Bolivians is the maritime claim, which is embodied in the Political Constitution of the State as a maximum aspiration. This is inalienable".

At the same time, he emphasized the need for relations to be based on mutual respect and the right to self-determination of the people. In line with this, he stated: "Our bilateral relationship must be based on the principles of dialogue and mutual trust, and within this framework, things must be separated."

For its part, the Chilean government affirmed this Monday the willingness to improve bilateral relations with Bolivia, but without affecting the sovereignty and integrity of Chile's territory.

Boric ratified that Chile did not negotiate its sovereignty and remarked the need to gradually let the diplomatic relationship between both nations be restablished gradually.  

According to the Bolivian Foreign Minister, his country is committed to respecting the differences and aims at working on other issues of the bilateral agenda. In this sense, Mayta assured that the fact of having divergent opinions does not limit the possibility of addressing other issues of interest for both Bolivia and Chile. 


Bolivia Chile


Rogelio Mayt
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