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News > Argentina

Argentines March Against Milei's Economic and Security Policies

  • Argentine Police in Buenos Aires.

    Argentine Police in Buenos Aires. | Photo: X/ @CarasyCaretasuy

Published 20 December 2023

"Milei announced a declaration of war against the people's labor, social, and civil rights," stated the activists calling for the protests.

On Wednesday, human rights defenders, social activists, workers, students, teachers, and retirees will march in Buenos Aires to reject President Javier Milei's economic adjustments and security protocol.


Argentine Government Announces a Total Crackdown On Protests

This marks the first major mobilization against the far-right administration and coincides with the anniversary of the 2001 social upheaval that led to the resignation of then-President Fernando de la Rua.

The mobilization aims to defend the right to protest, which is under threat with the protocol announced by the Security Ministry. Among the groups participating in the march are the Worker Pole, the Left Front, Great Homeland, the Communist Party, the Railway Union, "Memory, Truth and Justice," the Peace and Justice Service, and the Teachers' Trade Union.

The march will have two columns starting at 4:30 PM local time from the Congress and the Obelisco. They will converge at Mayo Square where social activists will read a document agreed upon by various groups.

"Milei announced a declaration of war against the people's labor, social, and civil rights. It includes a mega-devaluation, the freezing of funding for popular dining facilities, and significant increases in service fees," stated the activists calling for the protests.

They also denounced a protocol that seeks to preserve the so-called "public order" because it undermines constitutional rights, including the right to protest.

Last week, Security Minister Patricia Bullrich announced an anti-protest protocol that includes prison sentences, charging protesters for the expenses incurred in deploying security forces, and deporting foreign demonstrators.

"The protocol establishes that any demonstration that is carried out with blockades of streets or routes constitutes the commission of a flagrant crime and enables the security forces to evict or disperse the protest," Piensa Prensa reported.

"At the same time, it contains provisions to collect information, criminalize, persecute and stigmatize participants in public demonstrations and the political, social and union organizations involved," it added.

On the eve of the first major protest against Milei, Human Capital Minister Sandra Pettovello announced that citizens participating in or promoting street blockades will cease to receive public support through social programs.


Javier Milei
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