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Argentina: 11 Provinces in Economic Emergency

  • The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, held a meeting with several regional leaders, whom he called to address the difficulties together

    The Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, held a meeting with several regional leaders, whom he called to address the difficulties together | Photo: Télam

Published 16 December 2023

Hugo Passaluaqcua the governor of Misiones province said that he avoided launching an adjustment plan but warned officials.

The governments of 11 Argentine provinces declared themselves in economic emergency after announcing plans to control and reduce public spending, following the neoliberal measures taken by the government of President Javier Milei.


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So far the governors have declared economic emergency: Gerardo Zamora (Santiago del Estero), Claudio Poggi (San Luis), Martin Llaryora (Córdoba), Osvaldo Jaldo (Tucumán), Maximiliano Pullaro (Santa Fe), Raúl Jalil (Catamarca), Gustavo Melella (Tierra del Fuego)Ignacio Torres (Chubut), Marcelo Orrego (San Juan), Rolando Figueroa (Neuquén) and Rogelio Frigerio (Entre Ríos).

The governors, from different political collectives, said that the cuts in public spending were taken by recognizing that there is an "economic emergency" at the national level and indicated that they lack the money, even for the payment of salaries this December.

By the other hand, in the offices of the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos, began to organize a call for the 23 governors and the head of Government of Buenos Aires, Jorge Macri, to gather them in a meeting on Tuesday 19 in the Casa Rosada, which could be headed by Milei himself.

"Unfortunately, with a lot of anguish, with a lot of pain and with a lot of anger, for the first time in 40 years we will not be able to pay 100 percent of the salary of December at the end of the month, nor 100 percent of the salary of January at the end of that month, we will have to double the payment"said the governor of the province of San Luis, Claudio Poggi.

For his part, Hugo Passaluaqcua the governor of Misiones, province in the northeastern end of the country, said that he avoided launching an adjustment plan but warned officials about the "need to remain very responsible with the management of missionary resources and continue with a province with orderly accounts".

In the province of Buenos Aires, led by Axel Kicillof, some of his ministers warned that "he is on alert" for the economic measures announced by the Milei administration, which includes, among other things, limitation of transfers outside the federal resource distribution system established by the Partnership Act.

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