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News > Argentina

Argentines Carry Out a March Against Racism in Buenos Aires

  • Argentines Carry Out a March Against Racism in Buenos Aires

    | Photo: X/ @ElExtremoSur

Published 9 November 2023

“Beyond fighting for people of African descent, our mobilization is part of a broader fight for human rights," Bonga said.

On Wednesday, the Afro-descendant population held the first march against racism in Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina.


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People left Mayo Square towards the headquarters of Congress, where the Afro-Argentinian community presented a series of demands.

“The march seeks to make visible the struggle that we have been maintaining for several decades in Argentina, a beautiful nation blessed by the blood of Black people on the battlefields,” said Diego Bonga, the spokesperson of the march.

“We also seek to combat racism and discrimination, spread our culture, end preconceptions, denounce institutional racism, and assert our rights as human beings,” he added.

“Beyond fighting for people of African descent, our mobilization is part of a broader fight for human rights. We emphasize the designation of 'Afro-descendants' because at some point in history we were considered as if we were not human," Bonga said.

This Argentine highlighted that, using their own resources, people have mobilized to make visible a cultural legacy that deserves to be respected.

Regarding the presidential runoff to be held on November 19, Bonga said he was concerned about the policies that candidate Javier Milei could implement, who threatens to suppress various social, economic and cultural rights.

“Many of us are very concerned in that sense… This society has to be correctly informed about blackness and the contribution we have made to the construction of this nation.”

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