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Sergio Massa and Javier Milei Go to Runoff in Argentina

  • Both candidates will face each other in a presidential run-off on November 19. Oct. 22, 2023.

    Both candidates will face each other in a presidential run-off on November 19. Oct. 22, 2023. | Photo: X/@bdaliberdade

Published 22 October 2023

Data from the National Electoral Chamber (CNE), determined that the turnout at the polls reached 77.67 percent.

Candidates Sergio Massa of the ruling coalition Union for the Homeland and Javier Milei from the extreme right-wing party Freedom Moves Forward will go to the second round of the presidential elections in Argentina next month.


Polling Stations Close In Argentina’s Presidential Election

According to the first official data released by the Government, with more than 90 percent of the votes counted, Massa won the elections with 36.2 percent, while Milei obtained 30.1 percent.

The National Electoral Chamber (CNE) indicated that Massa obtained a total of 9,127,071 votes, while the neoliberal Milei obtained 7,549,976 votes, corresponding to 93.28 percent of the valid votes already cast.

Both candidates will face each other in a presidential runoff on November 19. Patricia Bullrich, the candidate of the conservative alliance Together for Change, came in third, with 23.8 percent.

 The governor of Córdoba, Juan Schiaretti of "We Make Homeland" reached 6.9 percent and Miriam Bregman, of the Left and Workers' Front-Unity, 2.6 percent.

The runoff will take place since none of the candidates reached 45 percent of the valid votes, nor did they reach the 40 percent threshold with a difference of at least 10 percent with respect to the runner-up.

Data from the National Electoral Chamber (CNE), determined that voter turnout reached 77.67 percent. This means that 25.815.447 voters voted out of a total number of 33.236.518.

This figure is higher than that recorded in the August primaries, when 69 percent of the voter roll cast their ballots. However, it is lower than the percentage of voters in the previous general elections, held in October 2019, when more than 80 percent of the electoral roll went to the polls.

This Sunday, more than 35.8 million Argentines were summoned to elect president, vice-president, 130 deputies, 24 senators and 43 representatives of Parlasur. Julio Vitobello, Secretary General of the Presidency, said that the day was carried out in total normality, in peace and tranquility.

Argentines Trust in Union for the Homeland -Massa

Massa thanked the more than 9 million Argentines who placed their trust and hope in Union 
for the Homeland. He reiterated that he will call for a Government of national unity, which will summon the best regardless of their political strength and not on the basis of partisan arrangements, with the purpose of opening a new institutional stage in Argentine politics.

He noted that he wants an Argentina that takes advantage of its natural resources with added value, national construction based on federalism, a country that strengthens its reserves and its currency. 

Furthermore, Massa highlighted dialogue and consensus as a method of governing in order to build an integrated, multilateralist Argentina that guarantees security and seriousness in its relations with other nations. He said that his main commitment will be to work for security and employment, in a country where everyone matters.

Axel Kicillof Re-Elected in Buenos Aires

Meanwhile, Peronist Axel Kicillof reelected as governor of the province of Buenos Aires, after sweeping with 44.88 percent of the votes, a figure that corresponds to 84.14 percent of the votes counted.

The former Minister of Economy was followed by the representative of Together for Change, Daniel Grindetti, with 26.59 percent of the votes, and the candidate for Freedom Forward, Carolina Píparo, with 24.62.

Addressing supporters celebrating the victory, Kicillof said that "the campaign ends when Sergio Massa becomes the next president of Argentina." "Nobody rests, nobody stops. We need a national government committed to the people, to their happiness and to the greatness of our Nation. Massa President," he added. 

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