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News > Argentina

Argentina: Gov't Expresses Interest in Cuban COVID-19 Vaccines

  • "Today we discussed the importance of cooperation between our countries, both in relation to the development of the vaccine against the coronavirus and the common agenda in the face of the pandemic," Cuba's ambassador to Argentina said. | Photo: Twitter/@BozzanoGervasio

Published 29 April 2021

Argentine Foreign Minister Felipe Solá welcomed Cuban Ambassador Pedro Pablo Prada to discuss the Argentine proposal linking financing for a greater production capacity of Cuba's COVID-19 vaccine candidates.

The meeting took place within the framework of the steps taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to facilitate access to vaccines against COVID-19 and following President Alberto Fernández's indication to be part of the research and production chain of all vaccines under development.

During the meeting, which took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the officials discussed the crisis and the challenges posed by the pandemic, and the need to advance in projects to facilitate access to vaccines against the coronavirus.


Argentina & Cuba Discuss Possible "Food for Vaccines" Agreement

Specifically, on the negotiations between Argentina and Cuba, the Foreign Minister said: "Our country is awaiting the completion of the talks at the presidential level with the aim of accelerating the possible agreement once they are concluded."

They also talked about another input of Cuban technology: a medicine for nasal use that prevents a high percentage of viruses from entering the mucosa. "Argentina is also interested in this drug," said Solá after the meeting and added: "It could be easy to use for those people who are forced to circulate."

"With Cuban ambassador @pedropprada, we talked about the Argentine proposal to finance a further acceleration in the production of Cuban vaccines and about a nasal drug that prevents the virus from entering the mucous membranes. We are working on these issues with Minister Vizzotti."

The possibilities of collaboration with Cuba in health matters were also discussed within the framework of the bilateral work in health matters in which the Argentine Foreign Ministry is involved.

In the same sense, the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, is in contact with the developers of these vaccines and this drug, exchanging scientific information to advance the cooperation between both countries.

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