The coordinator of the Departmental Public Prosecutor's Office of La Paz, Sergio Bustillos, in a press conference issued from the Departmental Public Department, announced this Friday that three people were arrested after being linked to the illicit acts committed by the former deputy minister Arturo Murillo, who was involved in a coup d'état.
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"At the moment, we have four people who are being investigated, two police officers, a brother-in-law, and Mr. Murillo, who is being investigated in this process of legitimization of illicit gains," said Bustillos.
The detainees are Murillo's former brother-in-law, Daniel Aliss, the former minister's aide-de-camp and police captain, Daniel Bellot, and the former chief of security of the former minister, Ivar Víctor Gómez, said the prosecutor.
Bustillos also pointed out that Aliss and Bellot have invoked their right to silence, while Murillo's former chief of security and a police captain, Ivar Víctor Gómez, is testifying this Friday at the Prosecutor's Office.
The prosecutor detailed that the aide-de-camp of the former coup minister would have asked Gómez to deposit in Murillo's private accounts around 100,000 bolivianos (14,492 dollars at the current exchange rate).
Regarding Aliss, Bustillos announced that he is alleged to have opened four safety deposit boxes in a Bolivian banking institution on behalf of Murillo.
The U.S. Department of Justice informed this Tuesday from its website, through a press release, that under charges of money laundering and corruption, arrested in the state of Florida the former Minister of Government of Bolivia, Arturo Murillo, who served during the term of office of the former coup-appointed president, Jeanine Áñez.