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News > Mexico

AMLO: UN Must Prevent the Hoarding of COVID Vaccines

  • Archival image of Mexico's President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, holding a press conference at the National Palace in Mexico City, Mexico. AMLO called on the UN to prevent the stockpiling of Covid vaccines by rich nations.

    Archival image of Mexico's President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, holding a press conference at the National Palace in Mexico City, Mexico. AMLO called on the UN to prevent the stockpiling of Covid vaccines by rich nations. | Photo: EFE/ Sáshenka Gutiérrez

Published 10 March 2021

The Mexican president insisted on the need for solidarity to overcome the challenges of the pandemic.

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, asked the United Nations (UN) to make a resolution recently proposed by Mexico binding to avoid the hoarding of vaccines against Covid-19.


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Speaking at his daily press conference, the president criticized that the UN, through the Covax mechanism, has distributed only four percent of the doses worldwide. In comparison, 10 countries have 80 percent of all the vaccines produced so far.

"There are still not enough vaccines, and there is a hoarding of vaccines in the world. (...) 10 countries have 80 percent of the vaccines, and like 110 or 120 we have 20 percent, and 80 countries do not have a single dose; it is a great injustice, and I say again with all due respect: and where is the UN?" said Lopez Obrador.

"We are going to continue insisting that there has to be solidarity because if not, everything is pure demagogy, and in a circumstance like this, what is noticeable is hoarding, selfishness, turning our backs on other human beings. Where is the universal fraternity?" he added.

AMLO once again lashed out at the UN for the alleged hoarding of vaccines against #COVID19 by some countries. He said that only 10 countries have hoarded 80% of the vaccines and that the COVAX mechanism has only distributed 4% of the promised doses.

He thanked countries such as China, Russia, and India, despite having large populations supported Mexico with vaccines. Currently, there is a commitment with these countries for up to 10 million doses for the next four months.

"We already have in contracts more than 140 million vaccines, in contracts, the issue is that they do not comply, they do not arrive on time, but we are going to continue," he said.

The government's commitment is to vaccinate all senior citizens before the end of April and later to vaccinate teachers to promote the return to classes in person.

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