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500 000 Vaccines Donated to Palestine by China, Egypt

  • Egypt and China support Palestinian people with vaccine shipments. Feb. 21, 2022.

    Egypt and China support Palestinian people with vaccine shipments. Feb. 21, 2022. | Photo: Twitter/@BlediVision

Published 21 February 2022

The Chinese Embassy to Egypt noted the donation of 500,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccines by China and Egypt to Palestine in the interest of helping the nation to face the pandemic.

According to Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar, Egypt's acting health minister and Minister of Higher Education, the vaccines are of local production through a partnership between Egypt's Holding Company for Biological Products and Vaccines (VACSERA) and Chinese biopharmaceutical company Sinovac.

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Ghaffar noted the valuable work that Egypt has carried out to produce more than 30 million doses of the vaccine up until now. He also acknowledged the tremendous cooperation between Egypt and China since the pandemic began. He remarked that such a batch of aid represents the first time Egypt sends its locally produced COVID-19 vaccines abroad.  

Liao Liqiang, the Chinese Ambassador to Egypt, recognized the joined efforts of both Chinese and Egyptian governments for the interest of helping the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip not only to fight the pandemic but also to soothe the humanitarian crisis there.    

According to Liao, the donation shows that the strategic partnership between China and Egypt has reached high levels. It also demonstrates how vital the health of the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause is to both of them.

The Chinese Ambassador pointed out China's willingness to continue to cooperate along with the international community, including Egypt, to push for the resolution of the Palestinian issue, and contribute to attaining permanent peace and stability in the Middle East.  

Nidaa Barghouti, a representative from the Palestinian Embassy in Egypt, thanked China and Egypt, expressing that both nations are friends of the Palestinian people.

She said that the Palestinian side highly commends China and Egypt's support for the Palestinian cause, recognizing the great significance of those vaccines for them in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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