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'Help, 40 Days Here!', Migrants in US Border Facilities: Images

Photos of the dire conditions that migrants face in United States (U.S.) Border Patrol detention facilities have been released on Tuesday, as part of a report by the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General.

The DHS watchdog issued the investigation after June visits to five U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency facilities in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) sector, the busiest area of the border for migrant arrests.

The conclusions parallels pronouncements made by members of a congressional group who visited facilities in El Paso on Monday and said migrants were being kept in deplorable conditions, even informed women were told to drink out of a toilet.

Government investigators warned of dangerous overcrowding at more migrant facilities on the southwest U.S. border
Government investigators warned of dangerous overcrowding at more migrant facilities on the southwest U.S. border Photo:Reuters
A man in a cell with 88 men, that was built to hold 41, holding a message reading “Help 40 Day(s) Here.”
A man in a cell with 88 men, that was built to hold 41, holding a message reading “Help 40 Day(s) Here.” Photo:Reuters
An overcrowded fenced area holding families at a Border Patrol Centralized Processing Center.
An overcrowded fenced area holding families at a Border Patrol Centralized Processing Center. Photo:Reuters
Men are crowded in a room at a Border Patrol station in a still image from video in McAllen, Texas, U.S.
Men are crowded in a room at a Border Patrol station in a still image from video in McAllen, Texas, U.S. Photo:Reuters
Migrants banged on cell windows and shouted when investigators visited.
Migrants banged on cell windows and shouted when investigators visited. Photo:Reuters
Most single adults had not had a shower despite several being held as long as a month.
Most single adults had not had a shower despite several being held as long as a month. Photo:Reuters
Published 2 July 2019
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