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US 'Calexit' Would Consider a Different Approach to Iran

  • Flag of the separatist movement in California

    Flag of the separatist movement in California | Photo: Twitter/@NaphiSoc

Published 8 April 2020

The separatist movement, also named “Calexit” because of its similarities with Brexit in the UK, started in 2016 after the “Sovereign California” campaign.

California’s breakaway movement leader Marcus Ruiz Evans declared the current state and “country-to-be” does not agree with hostile U.S politics towards Iran.


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In a post on social media, Ruiz affirmed that a future Californian nation would take a different path from the current North American approach to Iran.  "There is no need to mention that when California becomes an independent country, the Republic of California will adopt a different foreign policy than the United States," Evans said.  Also, he stated: “Californians are peace-loving people who oppose the war-like, imperialist policies of the U.S.”

According to Evans' declarations, Iran and a possible independent California could discuss the armed crisis in Syria, the recognition of Palestine, and the right of Iran to develop nuclear technology. These statements are an alternative to the constant attacks from Washington against the Iranian nation. 

The separatist movement, also named “Calexit” because of its similarities with Brexit in the UK, started in 2016 after the “Sovereign California” campaign. The movement started the secessionist advocation under economic arguments but the special situation due to COVID-19 in the southern state increased the support to the breakaway drive.

The “Sunshine State” is one of the most affected by the virus, because of sanitary insufficiencies and undocumented migrants, who lack medical assistance.  Californians are in great discontent with Donald Trump´s management of the special situation the state faces. 

Other states, such as Texas, joined the Calexit principles campaign because of the economic recession.  Recently, Marcus Ruiz Evans Twitter official Profile was censored.

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