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News > Ecuador

Ecuadorian Presidential Candidates Debate Before Runoff

  • Presidential candidates Daniel Noboa (L) and Luisa Gonzalez (R), Oct. 1, 2023.

    Presidential candidates Daniel Noboa (L) and Luisa Gonzalez (R), Oct. 1, 2023. | Photo: X/ @veronicaariasf

Published 2 October 2023

The candidates presented arguments pertaining to four themes: economy, security, social issues, and politics.

On Sunday night, the candidates vying for the Ecuadorian Presidency, Luisa Gonzalez (Citizen Revolution) and Daniel Noboa (National Democratic Action), engaged in a debate ahead of the runoff election scheduled for October 15.


Ecuador Begins Delivery of Electoral Material for Run-off

During the debate, the candidates presented aspects of their government programs and arguments pertaining to four themes: economy, security, social issues, and politics.

Regarding fiscal sustainability, dollarization, and other economic matters, Noboa emphasized that the country must enhance its competitiveness.

To achieve this, he plans to invest in improving electricity generation, refining crude oil domestically, providing tax deductions to companies that create jobs, particularly for young individuals, and attracting foreign investors, among other measures.

He mentioned his intention to draw US$1.5 billion from the Ecuadorian monetary reserves, although he did not specify the method or timeframe.

On this subject, Gonzalez pointed out a budget deficit of US$5 billion. She underscored that resolving this issue won't happen overnight and requires a holistic, socially-oriented approach, involving investments in education, healthcare, security, employment, and the environment.

Gonzalez also revealed her plan to invest US$2.5 billion in productive credits to stimulate the local economy, boost oil production, and reduce inefficient tax exemptions by 30 percent.

Concerning the threats posed by the El Niño to the population and the economy, Noboa emphasized the need to promote education and healthcare services. He also stressed the importance of protecting communities by improving drainage systems, dams, and river dredging, among other measures.

Gonzalez explained her commitment to saving lives, fostering economic growth, enhancing infrastructure, and collaborating with autonomous governments.

To achieve these goals, she detailed plans to improve healthcare services, housing projects, re-establish low-interest credit lines, reevaluate debts of citizens with fewer resources, and declare a state of emergency regarding roads, fishing ports, and bridges.

In the realm of citizen security, Gonzalez highlighted the significance of government oversight of its resources, combating corruption, ensuring transparency in the justice system, and better equipping the National Police.

She emphasized the necessity of ousting the current government led by Guillermo Lasso, which she labeled as corrupt and responsible for the current state of affairs.

Gonzalez also pledged to regain control of public spaces such as ports, airports, roads, and prisons. She called for addressing common crime by tackling poverty and generating employment and opportunities for youth.

She revealed her intention to involve the armed forces in these efforts and to establish a commission to identify those responsible for the assassination of former candidate Fernando Villavicencio.

Noboa indicated that he would militarize borders and take other measures to ensure security. He emphasized the importance of increasing citizen surveillance. He admitted that some ministers and public officials have close ties to criminal organizations and should be brought to justice.

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