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News > Venezuela

World Leaders Pay Tribute to Comandante Hugo Chavez

  • The example and ideology of Hugo Chávez is always present, the Venezuelan patriot

    The example and ideology of Hugo Chávez is always present, the Venezuelan patriot "in whose mind the ideas of Bolívar naturally germinated". | Photo: Twitter @AsambleaCuba

Published 6 March 2022

The world remembers the anti-imperialist legacy of Comandante Chavez and his struggle for Latin American integration.

Heads of State, foreign ministers and popular leaders from all over the world remember this Saturday the historical legacy of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution of Venezuela, Commander Hugo Chávez, in commemoration of the ninth anniversary of his physical disappearance.


Chavez Ignited the Bolivarian Revolution with the 4F Rebellion

"A leading, brave and humble man who knew how to lead the reins of the Bolivarian Revolution with gallantry and firm step; today the Homeland commemorates 9 years of the sowing of Commander Hugo Chávez, who became eternal in the hearts of the people," said the Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez.

"Chávez was a revolutionary of integrity, who assumed the consequences of his actions, as he did on February 4, 1992 when he recognized his defeat after the military uprising, in the same way as Fidel Castro did when the Moncada trial took place in 1953", stated the Governor of Táchira State, Freddy Bernal.

Likewise, Bernal highlighted the position assumed by the Bolivarian leader, Hugo Chávez, during the attempted coup d'état, on April 11, 2002, where he manifested his dedication to the Venezuelan people by considering the option of immolating himself for the Homeland.

"From Egypt, we commemorate the 9th Anniversary of the Sowing of the Eternal Commander Hugo Chavez, historic leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, who was sown forever in the hearts of the popular classes of the peoples of Our America", stressed the Venezuelan Embassy in Egypt.

The Best Friend has been gone for nine years, but his legacy remains: The Bolivarian Revolution advances, ALBA is reborn, the integration of Our America will come. In #Cuba we do not forget you #ChávezPorSiempre

Meanwhile, the ALBA Movements platform, which articulates organizations from Latin America and the Caribbean, issued a video of each representative of the region where they remember the drive for integration in Latin America, led by Commander Chavez.

Within the framework of the commemorative event, the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) celebrates its V Congress, with the presence of regional leaders who accompany the strengthening of the Party, considered the largest in the world.

"Impressed by the participation of youth and women with principles and values that guarantee the resistance, renewal, and revolution of Venezuela and the legacy of the eternal commander Hugo Chavez Frias", said the former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales.

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