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News > Iran

Iran: Alternative Solution to the So-Called Century's Deal

  • Zarif said that in any case, U.S citizens who call themselves heroes of democracy should accept the solution advocated by Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei

    Zarif said that in any case, U.S citizens who call themselves heroes of democracy should accept the solution advocated by Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei | Photo: Reuters

Published 28 January 2020

Islamic Revolution's leader, Ali Khamenei, stated that the solution was a referendum in which all residents in the territory of Palestine, including those occupied by Israel, decide on the future of the country.

In response to Trump's Middle East Plan, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohamad Javad Zarif presented the proposal of the Islamic Revolution's leader Ali Jamenei for a solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict instead of the so-called century's deal offered by the U.S.


Trump's Middle East Plan: The World Reacts

The best solution, according to the Iranian religious leader, is to hold a referendum in which all residents in the territory of Palestine, including those occupied by Israel, decide on the future of the country.

“The creation of that State, based on the votes of Palestinians, means the devastation of the Israeli usurper,” the Ayatollah pointed out back in June 2018.

Zarif said that in any case, U.S citizens who call themselves heroes of democracy should accept the solution advocated by Ali Khamenei. He shared these criteria while waiting for U.S. President Donald Trump's announcement of a plan that allegedly will resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. In reality, it's willing to eradicate the Palestinian cause.

The White House project's leakage received criticism from the international community and especially from Russia, Turkey, and Middle East nations that consider it illegal, counterproductive, and violating the rights of Palestine's natives.

Trump's proposal denies the return of those expelled after the arrival of the Tel Aviv regime, limits Muslims' access to the Al-Aqsa mosque, grants Israel the best lands in the West Bank, and does not even address the creation of two sovereign States.

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