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News > Venezuela

Venezuelan VP Rodriguez Meets Rousseff in BRICS Bank in China

  • Venezuelan VP Delcy Rodriguez (L) and Dilma Rousseff (R) in Shanghai, China, Sept. 6, 2023

    Venezuelan VP Delcy Rodriguez (L) and Dilma Rousseff (R) in Shanghai, China, Sept. 6, 2023 | Photo: @delcyrodriguezv

Published 6 September 2023

The visit to the NDB headquarters is part of a work tour that Rodriguez is carrying out in China, where she will meet with senior executives and authorities.

On Wednesday, Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez held a meeting with Dilma Rousseff, the president of the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB), in Shanghai.


VP Rodriguez to Strengthen Venezuela-China Cooperation

The Bolivarian leader was received by Rousseff, who has held the position of president of this financial institution since March, and Alejandro Texeira, the main advisor for Financial Affairs.

"On behalf of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, we reiterate the commitment of the Bolivarian Government to contribute to the strengthening of South-South cooperation. We believe in building a new global financial architecture," Rodriguez said.

During her dialogue with the former Brazilian president, Rodriguez also addressed issues aimed at consolidating the strategic areas. She was accompanied by Giuseppe Yofredda, the Venezuelan ambassador to China, Pedro Tellechea, the president of Petroleum of Venezuela (PDVSA) and Nicolas Maduro Guerra, a legislator of the National Assembly.

The visit to the NDB headquarters is part of a work tour that Rodriguez is carrying out in China, where she will meet with senior executives and authorities.

The BRICS New Development Bank was created in 2014, when Dilma Rousseff was the president of Brazil. This international financial institution has the purpose of financing infrastructure and sustainable development projects in the countries that form the economic cooperation bloc led by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

The NDB initial authorized capital was US$50 billion and was equally distributed among the BRICS founding members, each of whom has only one vote and no veto power.

Headquartered in Shanghai, the BRICS new development bank also has regional offices in Johannesburg, Sao Paulo, Brazil, GIFT City, and Moscow.

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