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News > Venezuela

Venezuela Rejects EU Sanctions Warnings

  • Jorge Arreaza rejected the threats made by the High Representative of the European Union (EU).

    Jorge Arreaza rejected the threats made by the High Representative of the European Union (EU). | Photo: EFE

Published 16 July 2019

High Representative of the European Union, Federica Mogherini, warned Venezuela once again, according to a release issued by the EU Council.

The Venezuelan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jorge Arreaza, published Tuesday a communiqué on his Twitter account denouncing and rejecting statements made by the High Representative of the European Union (EU), Federica Mogherini, as she threatened the South American country with new sanctions if there was no progress in talks between the Venezuelan opposition and the government of President Nicolas Maduro.


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The communiqué made clear that it rejected theses warnings calling them “unacceptable menaces" against the country, and explained that Mogherinin’s attempts of intimidation are akin to interfering in Venezuela’s internal affairs. It added that this kind of methods is similar to the "aggressive positions of the U.S. government.”

Venezuela rejects the statements made by the High Representative of the EU, Federica Mogherini, for interfering once again in the country's internal affairs and making unacceptable threats, in a moment when adhering to the core principals of law is vital for dialogue between Venezuelans.

"The EU seems committed to maintaining the conflict as a formula for making policy, even contradicting the peaceful spirit of the renewed negotiations led by Special Advisor Enrique Iglesias".

Venezuela’s government urged the EU "to maintain a position of respect and constructive balance, as well as to stop its attempts to hinder the peaceful procedure in search of a solution" that is currently carried out through dialogue with members of the Venezuelan opposition.

Mogherini, who on one hand said she was satisfied with "the resumption of the talks facilitated by the Government of Norway in Barbados," has warned the Venezuelan Government once again, according to a release issued Tuesday by the EU Council.

"In case there are no concrete results from the ongoing negotiations, the EU will further expand its targeted measures," Mogherini said.

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