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News > Latin America

Venezuela Rejects US and Spanish 'Interventionist' Attacks

  • Venezuela's Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza blasted U.S. President Donald Trump on Twitter for his

    Venezuela's Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza blasted U.S. President Donald Trump on Twitter for his "interventionist position."  | Photo: AVN

Published 26 September 2017

The Trump administration recently slapped new sanctions on Venezuela and North Korea.

Venezuela's Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza has attacked U.S. President Donald Trump on Twitter for his "interventionist position and support for violent and extremists in Venezuela."

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Arreaza said that instead of addressing the situation in Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, Trump is "obsessively engaging in attacking Venezuela."

The foreign minister also called out the hostile attitude of Spain, arguing that U.S. and Spain were intervening in Venezuela's internal affairs.

At a news conference, both Trump and Spain's Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy spoke of "increase commitment" over North Korea and Venezuela.

"The international community should be forceful with regards to Venezuela," Rajoy said. "What is happening in Venezuela is unacceptable," the Spanish prime minister added, describing the Venezuelan government as "anti-democratic."

Trump administration recently slapped new sanctions on Venezuela and North Korea, which he called "rogue" nations in his address the U.N. General Assembly.

At the conference with Rajoy, Trump said that he hoped Spain and the European Union would join the United States in "sanctioning the Maduro regime." Backing Trump's initiative, Rajoy denounced the "totalitarian drift" of the Venezuelan government.

Arreaza has rejected the criticism, arguing that President Rajoy's stance is "embarrassing" as it disregards "the functioning of Spanish democracy" by submitting "to Trump's plans against Venezuela."

The Venezuelan foreign minister also said that the Spanish president should focus "on the worrying conflicts in Catalonia and Spain, the product of their exclusionary policies."

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