Authorities previously held two mock votings to refine the epidemiological measures aimed at preventing the transmission of COVID-19.
Venezuela’s authorities of the National Electoral Council (CNE) on Sunday will implement the Strategic Biosafety Plan designed to prevent the spread of Covid-19 during the elections through which the new National Assembly (AN) will be elected. Previously, the CNE held two mock votings to familiarize people with biosafety protocols.
Evo Morales Arrives in Venezuela to Observe Sunday's Election
"Health is our premise .... in these elections, a health audit protects us," CNE President Indira Alfonzo said, adding that each voting center has its own biosafety space and preventive measures such as the use of alcohol for the disinfection of the pens used to sign the voting books.
At the national level, the COVID-19 Biosafety Committee has arranged the configuration of different types of kits with supplies for the prevention of contagion.
This equipment has been configured according to the conditions of the work environment, the number of people gathered in the same space, the type of activity they carry out, and the frequency of replacement of these implements.
Best of luck to our friends and comrades in Venezuela, who today participate in parliamentary elections. All socialists wish for the victory of the patriotic progressive forces—the forces of Chavez—to triumph against the reactionaries and imperialist puppets.
— Josh Jackson (@JoshuaYJackson) December 6, 2020
Viva Venezuela ����
The meme reads, "Venezuela Decides: At 5:00 am, the traditional bull's-eye of the Chavista forces begins an hour before the voting tables open. There is a festive atmosphere, a call to vote to fight for peace."
Since the beginning of this day, the authorities of the voting centers have been demanding that people maintain physical distance, disinfect themselves before entering, wear a mask, and use the antibacterial gel before casting their vote.
As part of the biosecurity protocols, people are asked to enter the voting center with only an ID and a small wallet.