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News > Latin America

Venezuela Demands the UN to Act on US, Colombia's Interferences

  • The ambassador reiterated that the U.N. Charter is being systematically breached by the U.S. and Colombia.

    The ambassador reiterated that the U.N. Charter is being systematically breached by the U.S. and Colombia. | Photo: @CancilleriaVE

Published 20 May 2020

"We urge the United Nations Security Council to carry out the task of maintaining peace and security, we demand that it stops the war policies of the U.S. and Colombia," Venezuelan Ambassador to the U.N. said.

Venezuelan ambassador to the United Nations Samuel Moncada denounced Wednesday before the body’s Security Council (UNSC) the U.S. and Colombia's involvement in foiled mercenary plot carried out earlier this month against the South American nation.


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"The world has seen the armed actions carried out against my country. The U.S. government and Colombia helped in the planning, financing, training, and today they are protecting the mercenaries and terrorists who wanted to attack the (Venezuelan) civilian population, commit targeted assassinations against officials, and kill President (Nicolas) Maduro," Moncada said.

The ambassador reiterated that the U.N. Charter is being systematically breached, with the U.S. and Colombia violating international laws, especially those prohibiting any state from allowing the recruitment of mercenaries or the supplying of facilities to carry out attacks on another state.

"The U.S. and Colombia violated resolution 1279 banning states from allowing the preparation of terrorist actions on their territories; resolution 1373 which implies that states must avoid giving support to entities or persons involved in terrorist actions; resolution 1456, which urges states to help each other investigate and punish acts of terrorism," Venezuela’s representative explained. 

Moncada said that the White House and Colombia refused to collaborate with the Venezuelan authorities to punish those responsible for the maritime attacks.

Yet, on May 13, the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump pushed cynicism to the point of including Venezuela in the list of countries that do not collaborate in the fight against terrorism, along with Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Syria.

Regarding the illegal economic, financial and commercial blockade imposed on Venezuela by Washington, Moncada reiterated that it was a violation of the U.N. Charter as well. 

"The U.S. Government has admitted it is pressuring companies to not send gasoline to Venezuela. What would happen if New York did not have gasoline in the midst of a global pandemic? This would be considered a crime against humanity. It is what the U.S. is doing to 30 million Venezuelans," he added. 

The Venezuelan official also mentioned the new threat against cargoes en route to Venezuela with fuel. In case the threats materialize and the cargoes are intercepted, it will be an armed action against the ships and the people of Venezuela and another violation of international norms, he denounced. 

"We urge the United Nations Security Council to carry out the task of maintaining peace and security, we demand that it stops the war policies of the U.S. and Colombia," Moncada said. 

"Our country does not represent a threat and we have to learn this lesson, Venezuela is not for sale, it will never be the colony of anyone and our people will continue to fight to remain free," the ambassador concluded.

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