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News > Venezuela

Venezuela Criticizes US Concern With Far-Right Plotters

  • Headquarters of the Attorney General's Office in Caracas, Venezuela, 2024.

    Headquarters of the Attorney General's Office in Caracas, Venezuela, 2024. | Photo: X/ @VTVcanal8

Published 13 February 2024

Attorney General Saab requested preventive detention for Rocio San Miguel due to crimes such as treason, conspiracy, and terrorism.

On Tuesday, Venezuelan ministers rejected the expressions of "concern" issued by the United States government about the situation of the NGO Citizen Control President Rocio San Miguel, who was detained on Friday due to the White Bracelet conspiracy case.


Venezuelan Justice to Prosecute 'White Bracelet' Conspirators

"The shameless narrative whereby you try to ignore the country's laws and the legitimacy of a sovereign State never ceases to amaze. At this point everyone knows you have always been part of the strategy to isolate and sanction Venezuela," Communications Minister Freddy Ñañez said, referring to the NGOs operating as associates of the U.S. Department of State.

Referring to the White Bracelet case, Foreign Affairs Ministry Yvan Gil noted the participation of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in the most recent foreign destabilization efforts in Venezuela.

“The CIA and the DEA have been conspiring from Miami and Colombia, along with Venezuelan far-right opponents, to assassinate President Nicolas Maduro, Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino, and Governor Freddy Bernal, as well as to destabilize our country through violence, terrorist assault on military units, and other extremist atrocities,” Gil said.

“The U.S. government comes out to protect terrorists who have confessed to their crimes and the orders they received to harm our people. They are accomplices of the intellectual and material authors of the acts of terrorism and interventionism in Venezuela,” he added.

On Monday night, Attorney General Tarek William Saab presented Rocio San Miguel and four of her relatives before the Second Court against Terrorism for being involved in a 'White Bracelet' conspiracy plot.

He requested a preventive judicial deprivation of liberty against San Miguel due to the alleged commission of crimes such as treason, conspiracy, terrorism, and illicit association.

"We denounce a fierce campaign from abroad against the Venezuelan state and justice system carried out by the same sectors that have always despised democratic institutions," Attorney General Saab said on Tuesday.

"Justice is the path to peace. Those voices seeking to endorse crimes and attacks against the Venezuelan people and nation have been and will be defeated again by the peaceful and democratic convictions of the majority of the country," he added.

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