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News > Palestine

US Congresswoman Tlaib is Censured for Her Criticism of Israel

  • Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (L), Nov. 7, 2023.

    Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (L), Nov. 7, 2023. | Photo: X/ @DrRhondaFine

Published 8 November 2023

Rashida Tlaib is a Democratic politician who was born in Detroit to working-class Palestinian immigrants.

On Tuesday night, the United States House of Representatives approved a motion of no confidence against Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib due to her criticism of Israeli military actions in the Gaza Strip.


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Introduced by Republican Representative Rich McCormick, the resolution was approved by 234 votes in favor and 188 votes against. Among the representatives who voted in favor of censuring Palestinian-American Congresswoman Tlaib were 22 Democratic legislators.

The resolution accused Tlaib of "promoting false narratives about the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel and calling for the destruction of the State of Israel."

Criticism of Tlaib from U.S. lawmakers increased when she posted a video that included the slogan "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." In response to their criticisms, Tlaib published a message in which she stated the following:

"It's a shame my colleagues are more focused on silencing me than they are on saving lives, as the death toll in Gaza surpasses 10,000. Many of them have shown me that Palestinian lives simply do not matter to them, but I still do not police their rhetoric or actions. Rather than acknowledge the voice and perspective of the only Palestinian American in Congress, my colleagues have resorted to distorting my positions in resolutions filled with obvious lies. I have repeatedly denounced the horrific targeting and killing of civilians by Hamas and the Israeli government and have mourned the Israeli and Palestinian lives lost," she said.

"Meanwhile, each day that passes without a ceasefire brings more death and destruction upon innocent civilians, who have nowhere safe to go, drawing outrage and condemnation from the American people and the international community. A majority of Americans support a ceasefire, but this Congress isn't listening to their voices," Tlaib added.

"I will continue to call for a mutual ceasefire, for the release of hostages and those arbitrarily detained, for the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid, and for every American to be brought home. I will continue to work for a just and lasting peace that upholds the human rights and dignity of all people, centers peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians, and ensures that no person, no child has to suffer or live in fear of violence."

Rashida Tlaib is a 47-year-old attorney who has served as a three-term Democrat congresswoman for the state of Michigan.

"She is the first woman of Palestinian descent in Congress and, alongside Ilhan Oman, one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress," Al Jazeera recalled.

"Tlaib and Omar are a member of 'The Squad', an informal group of progressive members of Congress that includes Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez among others. She was born in Detroit to working-class Palestinian immigrants and still has family in the West Bank occupied by Israel," it added.


Rashida Tlaib
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