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News > Venezuela

UN Senior Official Seeks Dialogue in Venezuela Ahead of UNSC Meeting

  • U.N. Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed at the Moncloa Palace in Madrid, Spain, Feb. 26, 2019.

    U.N. Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed at the Moncloa Palace in Madrid, Spain, Feb. 26, 2019. | Photo: EFE

Published 26 February 2019

The United Nations encourages political solutions, saying military interventions no longer have a chance in Latin America.

Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Amina Mohammed insisted Tuesday on the need for the Venezuelan government and the opposition to negotiate, avoid politicizing humanitarian aid and to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. The United States has also called for a special Security Council meeting.

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"We encourage both parties to sit down at the negotiating table for the sake of Venezuelans and seek a peaceful resolution," Mohammed said as she was visiting Spain to promote the United Nations' Agenda for Sustainable Development.

For his part, the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said Monday that military intervention no longer has a place in Latin America international politics.

"The time for military interventions in Latin America has passed," Guterres said, adding that the region has a long democratic history "which makes authoritarian regimes no longer have a chance."​​​​​​​

Since the beginning of the U.S.-backed attempt to destabilize Venezuela, the U.N. has advocated political dialogue as the only possible option. In order to do so, Guterres has even offered his "good offices" to mediate between President Nicolas Maduro administration and the opposition, if they so request.

"It is not easy under the current circumstances. However, through the good offices of the UN Secretary General, we have hope that people speak," Mohammed said and recalled that "there have been attempts to politicize" the humanitarian assistance in Venezuela.

The U.N. diplomat also mentioned her regrets about the loss of life or injuries possible in the situation that took place over the last few days. ​​​​​​

On this issue, the Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez denounced the false "humanitarian aid" that the U.S.-backed opposition intended to forcibly enter Venezuelan territory.

"One more evidence that the false humanitarian aid has nothing of help or humanitarian! It is the century's scam!," she said and announced that "Venezuela will receive support through the UN international cooperation agencies."​​​​​​​

The U.N. Deputy Secretary-General also stressed that the agency is hopeful to see moves in the direction of negotiation.

"There is a need for humanitarian assistance in Venezuela, but it has to be done under the principle that everyone has to be included," she said and added that the U.N. "will continue to work with the Venezuela's government to ensure that humanitarian assistance reaches those who need it. The important thing is that the parties sit down at the negotiating table and explore ways to get people the assistance they need."​​​​​​​

The U.N. Security Council has been called to a special session for Tuesday afternoon by the United States as it aims to continue its destabilziation and intervention campaign.

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