Let me tell you what the inside of the ballot looks like in Washington DC. There are six candidates for the presidency. Of these only three Biden, Trump, and Jorgensen from the right-wing Libertarian Party appear on ballots in all 50 states.
The Candidates' Interests Determine Solutions To the Crisis
The Green Party is only in 30 state ballots while the Party for Socialism and Liberation is only on ballots in 15 states. Both are left-wing parties and having an independent party faces serious obstacles, including lawfare to be included on the ballot.
Washington DC isn’t a state so we don't have senators or representatives. We are able to elect a delegate to Congress, but that person doesn't have the power to vote. We also symbolically elect senators and representatives in case we ever achieve statehood. We have city council seats open for up for election as well as the Board of Education.
On the back of the ballot, you can see that this year there's an initiative or referendum question on the ballot. I filled up my ballot and put it into this envelope.
I would say that people in the U.S. are kind of anxious about the possibility of post-electoral violence. We already saw some of that happened over the weekend in North Carolina.
There was a peaceful march to encourage voter turnout, and it was met by police violence and repression. They pepper-sprayed people including children, and they arrested several peaceful protesters.
In Texas, an official Biden campaign bus was almost run off the road by Trump supporters in pickup trucks.
The atmosphere in DC is similar to what I've lived through in Bolivia about three weeks ago. People are calm but there's a kind of underlying tension and concern.
People are hoarding up on food. A local University warned students that next week might be chaotic. There're some shops around here that are boarding up their windows. They're concerned about violence, of course.
The latest polls that Biden up by about nine or ten points nationally but this is, of course, the popular vote which means nothing.
Nevertheless, Biden is up in key states including North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, and Pennsylvania. So Democrats are very confident about their chances.