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News > Russia

Russia Pledges Aid to Latam Countries in the Face of "Threats"

  • At the security conference held Moscow, the Russian Defense Minister, Serguei Shoigu, noted that Nicaragua, Cuba & Venezuela require a supply of more modern weapons and military preparation for military activity under quite complex conditions.

    At the security conference held Moscow, the Russian Defense Minister, Serguei Shoigu, noted that Nicaragua, Cuba & Venezuela require a supply of more modern weapons and military preparation for military activity under quite complex conditions. | Photo: Twitter @MarCruzNic

Published 24 June 2021

Russia has made military aid available to Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua to cope with "external threats" amid their tensions with the United States.

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu highlighted historical alliances between Russia and Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, three Latin American countries facing U.S. sanctions, at the 9th International Security Conference in Moscow.


Russia and Venezuela Cooperate in the Defense Sector

"They have resisted various forms of pressure, including the threat of open use of military force for many years. Russia's support is required now more than ever," Shoigu said Wednesday at the 9th International Security Conference in Moscow (Russian capital).

The Russian Defense Minister informed that Havana, Managua, and Caracas need "supplies of more modern armaments and for us to prepare their militaries to face a complicated situation," which includes "the threat of terrorism, closely linked to the production of illegal drugs and to the permanent attempts to instigate another series of color revolutions."

These Latin American countries, the Minister added, have to face economic sanctions imposed on some countries in an attempt to destabilize their governments, which is complemented by "provocation of military incidents and campaigns of disinformation of the population."

Russia, together with China, is increasing its relations with Latin American countries, especially Venezuela and Cuba, in various fields, including technological, economic, and military, amid aggressive U.S. policies against certain nations in the region.

Meanwhile, Washington accuses Beijing and Moscow of challenging its influence in Latin America, an area it considers its "backyard," and applies policies based on the Monroe Doctrine.

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