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News > Venezuela

President Maduro: The South Needs Support From China & India

  • Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Sept. 15, 2023.

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, Sept. 15, 2023. | Photo: RT

Published 15 September 2023

"What could be better than G77+China meeting at the epicenter of the resistance of the Latin America peoples. Havana is the capital of the Global South,” he pointed out.

On Friday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro asked for greater support from China and India so that the Global South can develop technology for health, agriculture, and space exploration.


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In his speech during the G77 + China summit in Havana, the Bolivarian leader called on the new emerging powers to become the spearhead of tactical cooperation of greater impact.

Maduro also emphasized the need to implement policies so that developing countries can have greater participation in social networks since the Internet currently does not have any type of control.

The Venezuelan president asked that the United Nations implement a global initiative to immediately stop all unilateral coercive measures that the United States and its allies use to harass dozens of developing countries, including Venezuela and Cuba.

Taking stock of contemporary geopolitical transformations, Maduro highlighted that the necessary political and historical conditions are coming together so that the countries of the South can be truly sovereign and independent in the 21st century.

"What could be better than G77+China meeting at the epicenter of the resistance of the Latin America peoples. Havana is the capital of the Global South,” he said, highlighting that this will be the century of peoples free from empires and colonialisms.

“The countries from the South will seek their own political and economic development models. They will not accept impositions from any power with pretensions of domination,” he said.

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